The Limarí Valley is located in the Coquimbo Region, about 450 kms (280 miles) north of the city of Santiago. Its annual rainfall is low, around 70-100 mm. (3-4 inches), with temperatures fluctuating between 9°C (48ºF) and 27° C (80º) in summer. This valley receives great influence from the Pacific Ocean, bringing the so-called “camanchaca” (intense fog that comes from the sea) that causes grapes to ripen slowly for a better care of aromas and flavours. Soils are originated by alluvial-coluvial deposits and continental sediments, obtaining high soil salinity. It currently has some 245 hectares of wine producing vineyards and it is one of the most promissing wine producing areas in Chile. The main varieties grown there are Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Syrah and Pinot Noir.